As a company committed to social responsibility and ethical manufacturing, Ethically Made Goods Inc. (ÉTICA Denim) places the utmost importance on protecting human rights throughout its supply chain. We hold ourselves and our suppliers to the highest standards of transparency and social responsibility, and we have a zero-tolerance policy against exploitation, slavery and human trafficking.

Under the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657), large manufacturers are required to disclose their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking within their supply chains. The purpose of this law is to educate consumers so they can make better-informed decisions about purchasing goods from companies that responsibly manage their supply chains.

The majority of our “ÉTICA Denim” apparel products are made in our own vertically integrated factories, which allows us the unique ability to carefully control our production process. Our factories are committed to exceeding Fair Labor standards, providing workers with living wages, health benefits, advancement training and safe, ability-inclusive employment opportunities. Our factories are certified by the Worldwide Responsible Apparel Coalition (W.R.A.P.), SEDEX (with SMETA audit), the Mexican Center for Philanthropy and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility. The balance of our products are produced in small batches in India, by third parties who agree to our strict Vendor Code of Conduct, and carry certifications from the Worldwide Responsible Apparel Coalition (W.R.A.P.) and are routinely audited for social compliance practices.

Ethically Made Goods Inc. does import some fabrics and raw materials, and ensures that these suppliers adhere to its strict Vendor Code of Conduct and carry certifications from GOTS, BCI, or similar organizations and are audited to ensure that its supply chain is free from abuse, exploitation or forced labor of any kind. We reserve the right to terminate the relationship with any vendor who fails to comply with our requirements.